DER’s Mission Statement

„DER”, a Vienna based think tank, pursues the declared mission of contributing to the awareness of a wider Europe. DER is committed to the promotion of a close partnership between the EU and countries in the Eastern part of Europe, especially Russia and Ukraine. For economic, cultural, historic and other reasons, these countries are natural partners of the EU.

Unfortunately, the conflict in and around Ukraine which erupted over the strategic orientation of this country has led to a dangerous confrontation between Russia and Ukraine and to a dramatic deterioration in the EU-Russia relationship. In order to avoid a further escalation of this conflict with long-lasting negative effects for peace and prosperity in wider Europe, a political process must be pursued in order to find durable solutions for the internal and external aspects of the Ukrainian crisis. In this context it is of utmost importance to fully implement the agreement reached in Minsk on 12 February 2015 between the political leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. All parties to the Minsk II-Agreement have a shared responsibility for a successful outcome of this peace process.

DER operates with a small team and relies exclusively on private sponsoring. Its headquarters are located in A-1010 Vienna, Reitschulgasse 2/2.

Verein DER ThinkTank

Obmann: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bretschneider
Obmann Stellvertreter: Bot. i.R. Dr. Martin Vukovich
Generalsekretär: Dr. Ruth Pauli
Kassier: Dr. Peter Kamp
Kassier Stellvertreter: Mag. Martin Marek
ZVR-Zahl 162833240